A Journey of hope from surviving to thriving!
Certified Life, Wellness, Divorce & Relationship Coach, Tammy Oswald, CPC, ELI-MP
Tammy is a certified professional Life, Wellness, Divorce & Relationship Coach, who focuses on the whole person and specializes in wellness in ALL aspects of life. She is trained in Core Energy Coaching, which is a style of coaching that goes way deeper than just setting goals and strategies. In contrast to most coaching methodologies which are action-oriented and focused on identifying goals, creating steps to meet those goals, and then providing accountability to keep the client moving forward, Core Energy Coaching starts from an "inside out" approach, which proves to be more transformational and sustainable. It changes the client's perspectives and shifts the energy level to a place of excitement and motivation! This leads to long-lasting and life-altering change! We have all learned limiting perspectives about the world, defeating thoughts, and outdated beliefs that we have unconsciously picked up from family, society and the media. Many of these thoughts and feelings live under the surface, hidden from our awareness, and are huge drivers of unproductive choices and behaviors. Tammy has received specialized training to uncover these inner blind spots, gently bring awareness to the client, and shift these inner blocks to cultivate new perspectives and helpful beliefs that support the client's success from a deep and sustainable level.
Tammy has a sincere passion for helping others figure out who they are at the core and learning how to live more in alignment with that to be happier and more content and live a life of purpose and joy! Our relationship with others starts with our relationship to self, so Tammy is passionate about uncovering all the limiting beliefs, fears, blocks, and insecurities that get in your way as well as your gifts, patterns and how you tend to show up in the world around you, both on a good day and when life hands you something hard. Services include individual, couples and group coaching, workshops/webinars, support groups, retreats, and public speaking.